Why Having a Design Process is Important

When people here the world “process,” a lot of times, their eyes glaze over. Creating standardized steps and an efficient workflow aren’t always the most exciting elements of running your own business—but it’s one area that can make a huge impact to both your time management and your bottom line.

Set each and every project for success by putting the right processes and documents in place. That way you know exactly where everything stands and clients always know exactly what to expect. Read on to learn more about how exactly a design process will bolster your biz. 

Keep Your Clients on Track

Interior design isn’t a one-sided job. While a lot of the design components and planning are handled by you and your firm, you’ll also need your client to weigh in on a lot of the decisions that are being made. And sometimes, it can be challenging to keep people on course and get the answers you need.

By defining your process from the get-go, your client will know exactly what you need from them and when. Try outlining it in your first client communication or design process packet so that they have the information they need from the very beginning. That way, if things veer off-course later on, you can reference those documents to help get them back on track. 

Set Clear Expectations 

By having a clearly defined process, it lets clients see ahead and know exactly what to expect all the way to the finish line. That way, they won’t be constantly inquiring about the status of certain pieces or calling about expected deadlines. By laying everything out clearly from the start with timetables and deadlines, they’ll always feel in the loop—and never surprised or blind-sided.

Simplified Project Management

While having a streamlined process is important for your client relationships, it’s also important to streamline your own internal processes. By having a systemized way you approach each project, you’ll always know your next step. Instead of working ad-hoc or developing individual workstreams for each client, templatizing the process ensures you always know what’s on the horizon for each of your projects.

That way, you’re not scrambling to pull together materials for last-minute meetings or combing through your emails to find out what where you left off. Just clarify your process and create consistency to improve your own time management and make sure you don’t miss your deadlines or skip an important step. 

If you’re ready to make your life easier and make projects run smoother, you’ll find everything you need in the VIDA Shop. From welcome packet templates to a design process document, set your business up for success and get organized today! 


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