Creating the Ideal Reading Room: A Comprehensive Guide

Ultimate Rug Guide

Picture this: it’s rainy outside, sweater weather, and you're all snuggled up inside with a good book and a hot cup of tea. Doesn’t it sound like a dream? We promise there is plenty that you can do to create your dream reading room design in your own San Diego home. Having a reading room is one of the best trends that we’ve seen come back into fashion, and we’re totally here for it. 



Why create a reading room?

Let’s talk about why you should create a reading room. For those who aren’t bookworms, we promise you there’s more to love about a ‘reading room interior’ than it being a great place to read. 

Create a dedicated chill zone 

Life is busy, with a million and a half things that you have to do. It’s no wonder we’re all stressed! Your reading room should be nothing but chill and cozy vibes. We're all about embracing the chillness and saying buh-bye to stress!

Did someone say a no-tech zone? 

Now, let’s just all agree that we’re all guilty of scrolling for way too long on our phones. Maybe it’s scrolling through home design on Pinterest or getting outfit inspo on Instagram. Let's be real; we’ve all done it. And while we love the gram and socials, technology is around us everywhere, and we usually don’t get a break. This is your sign to use your reading room as a no-tech zone. Give yourself that time to chill, away from your phone. 



How to nail the perfect reading room design 

Ok, now we’ve convinced you that having a reading room is an absolute must. Now, we’re diving right into how to nail the perfect reading room interior. And yes, once you’ve created one, you’re never going to want to leave. 


Hello deep dive into seating! By far, the most important element in your reading room interior is the seating. You’ll likely be sitting for a long time, so getting all your furniture right is essential. 

Let’s talk about seating 

When we think about how we would style a reading room interior, usually your mind goes straight to a dedicated armchair, right?! While this is totally fine if it’s what you want, don’t be afraid to mix it up. Add in different seating options if you have the space. Not only does this give you a few different options, depending on how chilled you are feeling, but it also adds some interest to the space. For those who have the luxury of additional space (jealous), why not go for a chaise-style lounge or a matching ottoman and armchair combo? These make for incredibly comfortable and cozy seats and are sure to set the tone for the room. 



Side tables are a must 

Now, of course, a chair and a side table have to go together. You can’t have one without the other. When you’re looking for the perfect side table, pick one that sits lower than the chair. Not only does this add some level to your overall design, but it also makes it easy to pick up your drinks of choice.

Insider tip! 

If you can, get yourself a side table with storage! We promise a few extra small drawers will make all the difference! 

Storage is key 

Speaking of storage, storage in your reading room is so key! With all of those books, you have to have a place to keep them. There are a few ways that you can go about storage. 

  • Freestanding shelves are great for anyone who is looking for a less permanent option, and oh my gosh, there are so many options! 

  • Floating shelves are an adorable way to show off all of your books and styling pieces. They are also great at using up wall space that would otherwise be left untouched. 

  • Built-in shelves or a niche is ideal for those who have the space and budget. We promise if you find a fab contractor, they can whip these up for you in no time! Psst, if you don’t know anyone, we can help with that. *wink wink, nudge nudge* 



Keep it stylish  

As much as we love books, your reading room design doesn’t have to consist of only books. You have to love the space you're in; adding in all your favorite styling pieces is the secret to you actually using the space. 

Cohesive color 

If you are a big fan of some color coordination, then you are going to love this tip! When you’re creating a cozy reading nook in San Diego, keep your colors cohesive. Now, this does not mean that everything should match. Oh no, what we’re saying here is to keep your colors within the same family. This creates a sense of calmness and unity. 

It’s not all about books 

We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again. Your reading nook can be styled with more than books. There are plenty of items that you can use to style your shelf. We’ve listed below just some of our favorite items that you can style the room with but feel free to add in anything that makes the space yours. 

  • Plants, add in as much greenery as your heart desires 

  • Artwork, be inspired and bring in pieces that match your color scheme 

  • Sculptural pieces or small bowls 

  • Framed photos 

  • Bookends 



have more questions…

  • Certainly! When space is limited, getting creative with your reading room is essential. Consider multifunctional furniture, such as a bookshelf that doubles as a room divider or a storage ottoman that can hold books and provide seating. Utilize vertical space with wall-mounted shelves to save floor space. Opt for a cozy armchair instead of a bulky sofa, and employ wall-mounted lighting instead of floor lamps. Keep the color scheme light and airy to create an illusion of space, and refrain from cluttering with too many decorative items. By maximizing every inch and keeping the design minimalistic, you can transform even the smallest nook into a charming and functional reading retreat.

  • Keeping your reading room organized and serene is a worthy goal, and with a few simple strategies, it's an achievable one too. Start by regularly decluttering your shelves, donating or discarding books and items that no longer inspire joy or serve a purpose. Invest in stylish and functional storage solutions like bookshelves, baskets, and cabinets to keep everything in its place. Make a habit of returning items to their designated spots after each use, and consider implementing a "one in, one out" rule for new purchases to prevent unnecessary accumulation. Embracing a minimalist approach to decor and keeping surfaces clear of non-essential items allows the space to exude a calming and inviting atmosphere. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can enjoy a perpetually tidy reading room that always beckons you to relax and unwind with a good book.

  • Are you dreaming of creating a cozy reading room but worried about breaking the bank? Fear not! With a bit of creativity and resourcefulness, you can achieve your ideal reading retreat without straining your budget. Start by scouring thrift stores, online marketplaces, and garage sales for pre-loved furniture and decor. DIY projects can also be incredibly budget-friendly and allow you to personalize your space. Consider repurposing items you already own or upcycling second-hand finds to fit your vision. Opt for budget-friendly lighting, such as string lights or affordable floor lamps. Additionally, don't underestimate the power of simple organizational solutions like bookshelves and storage baskets, which can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Lastly, consider borrowing books from the library or joining a book exchange to keep your reading material costs low. With a little ingenuity and willingness to think outside the box, you can create your dream reading room without breaking the bank.



Set the mood 

We know you’ve all been waiting for it. Once you’ve got all of the practical elements sorted, it’s time to set the mood and truly settle in. Cozy reading room interior, here we come!

Get cozy 

Would reading room design be truly cozy without all of the soft furnishings you could possibly think of? Creating a cozy space is all about bringing in textures and layering each individual element. Think of adding elements such as blankets (the more, the better), comfy pillows and your favorite room spray or candles. Consider a blanket basket if you’re in love with throw blankets like we are. This can sit next to your chair and be overflowing with extra cuddly blankets. 


Reading room design isn’t complete without the lighting to match. To create that ambience and coziness, you have to include task lighting. The best way to do this is to incorporate a lamp, freestanding lamp, light fixture or a pendant light. Whatever lighting method you decide on will be specific to your space. However, keep in mind you want to use a warm light (ideally between 1,000 to 3,000 kelvins.)



What now? 

Ok, so we’re all going to start Pinteresting cozy reading room designs, right?! We certainly are! But on a serious note, if you are too overwhelmed with books and just need some friendly girlfriends to come and spruce up your space, we’re here to help! Based in San Diego, our team works across the state and up to the San Francisco Bay Area to combine pretty spaces with functionality. If you’re interested in what we can do for your home, get in touch with us for a design therapy sesh, and we’ll be creating your dream reading room design in no time! 


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