How To Mix Metals In Your Home Decor: The Ultimate Guide


So, how do you mix metals in a bathroom? Can you mix metals in your home? Or what about the kitchen? These questions have been around the interior design world for the longest time. But we're here to tell you that the myth that you can't mix metals in your home is long gone! We're sticking with the times and embracing the vibes that mixed metals give. 

At ASR Design Studio, we're here for mixing metals in the bathroom, kitchen, and anywhere in your home! Of course, don’t get us wrong, we’re also just as big fans of consistent metals used throughout the home, but mixed metals create interest. They can create that depth that metals of one color can’t produce. 

That said, how you mix metals can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to interior design. But don't sweat it; mixing metals is our jam! So, come with us on our how-to guide for mixing metals in your home. 



What are the Different Types of Metals?

The types of metals that can be used within a home are endless! Seriously, if you're an indecisive person, you may need to call for some backup to help you make the final decision. 

When you look at metal, it's not just the color you're considering, but also the tone, color, and finish. So, to make this decision process clearer, metals can be broken down into tones. We've listed below all the metals you may want to consider for your home and their tones to match! 



Cool Toned

● Nickel

● Chrome

● Stainless steel

● Aluminum


Warm Toned

● Brass

● Gold

● Copper.

● Oil rubbed bronze.



● Cast iron

● Black matte brass


A Note On Metal Finishes

Remember how we said there are endless types of metals to choose from? Along with the metal, you also have to choose its finish. How metal is finished can completely change the overall look of the handle or faucet, but also the entire aesthetic of the room. Listed below are some of the types of finishes that metals come in.


● Brushed

● Polished

● Satin

● Matte

● Antiqued

● Hammered



Insider Tip!

When you’re looking at installing any metal in your home, we highly recommend grabbing samples or visiting a store in person. While we all love an online shop (who doesn't?), the finish of metals will vary as to what they look like online or in a magazine compared to in person.


Samples are a great way to avoid regretting a purchase; they're your best friend when designing! Once you've got your samples, take them home and see if you love them or hate them next to your existing fixtures.



What Are The Rules When It Comes To Mixing Metals?

Before we go on a deep dive about how much we love mixing metals, it’s important to look at the don'ts. When mixing metals is taken too far, it can almost look like metal has just been thrown into a room. While we love bold designs, this can leave things looking messy and cluttered. Stick to these rules, and you’ll be golden! (Pun intended!)


● Stick to two different metals in a smaller space such as a bathroom, laundry room or water closet.

● In a larger space like a kitchen or a larger bathroom, stick to no more than three different metals.

● Match your metal tone with your interior tone. For example, if you’ve got a bathroom full of warm colors, choose a warm-toned metal.



How To Incorporate Mixed Metals In House Design?

Alright, now we’re at the part everyone came for: how to incorporate mixed metals into house design! When looking at the remodeling of your home and the beginning stages of planning to mix metals throughout, start with one metal you naturally love. This will be your "accent" metal.


Think of this metal as one you'd be happy to have throughout your home. From there, you want to pick either one or two (depending on the size of your space) and have these be your accent metals.


This secondary metal is there to add to the first metal. These two shouldn’t be competing for your attention. Instead, they should be complimenting each other.



Insider Tip!

When you're mixing metals throughout your home, do so with purpose. Purposely dappling warm and cool-toned metals throughout your home will give it a more sophisticated look. So, when you style with metal, use pieces such as the following.



● Wall sconces

● Lamps

● Coffee tables




How To Choose The Right Metal Combination

When looking at your metal combination across your entire home or in one particular room, it’s almost like a formula. Once you’ve got the right formula, picking and choosing your metalware is easy peasy! Think of this as your holy grail, and use this formula as your go-to reference.

For example, if you pick bronze as your accent metal, you’d choose a cool-toned metal like nickel. This simple formula is your guide to picking the right metal combinations.



Different Metal Combinations For Different Rooms

Ok, but how do you use different metal combinations for other rooms? Girl, we are here with all the answers and so much more! While we could focus on every room in the house, the rooms with the most metal are the bathroom and the kitchen. They’re also the rooms in the home that we can confidently say get used to the most, so picking the right kind of metals is one you want to be sure about.



How To Mix Metals In your Bathroom

Mixing metals in your bathroom can feel overwhelming when trying to decide. Because it is a smaller space than your kitchen, mistakes can feel much more concentrated and noticeable.


We’re here to help you throw those fears out the window (the bathroom window, of course?!) Oh, and did we mention we’ve even put together two of our favorite combinations to help give you a jump start when picking and choosing?


Remember how we said you should pick your accent metal? Well, that primary metal, a.k.a: the star of the show, should account for around two-thirds of your fixtures. The remaining third is for your secondary metal.



Mixing Brass And Nickel Finishes In A Bathroom

Brass and nickel are great to combine because they're from different color families. With brass being warm-toned and nickel being cool-toned, this is a formula we're totally ok with you pinching and making your own! Mixing these metals together can be just what your bathroom needs to add interest.


Mixing Chrome And Brass In A Bathroom

Chrome and brass work beautifully in a bathroom. Brass has that gorgeous warm hue, whereas chrome adds that shine (another metal combination our team is obsessed with!)



Insider Tip!

Now, of course, you have to stick within the rules of mixing metals, so when you’re looking at creating a vibe or following the vibe of your home if you choose cool metals, they give off a more contemporary feeling, whereas if you want something more traditional or rustic, choose a primary metal that has a warm undertone.



How To Mix Metals In your Kitchen

Alright, we're ending on a big note. The kitchen! If you've recently moved into a new home or are living in a home built in the 2000s, you'll most likely be left with all silver finishes that match the appliances. While this was the trend, it's out with the old and in with the new!


Sticking to all the rules we've mentioned, your kitchen should combine two to three metals, all within separate metal families. Within your kitchen, you also want to 'sprinkle' the metals throughout. Avoid having them clumped together. This can look awkward and disjointed.



Insider Tip!

When you choose who to buy your fixtures and fittings from, make sure it’s the same company throughout. Each company will have their own version of “brushed brass” or “polished nickel”, which you mightn’t realize until it’s too late!



What Now?

Well, now you get to start mixing metals in your home and telling all your friends about it! No, but seriously, if you do, you have to let us know on the gram, so we can see your amazing work!


However, if you’re struggling with where to start and need more than a blog to get your design journey going, we've got you, bestie. Get in touch with us to organize a design therapy sesh! We’ll take you through what we can do with your home and all our tips and tricks to bring out your personality and add it to your home!


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