What to Post on Social Media as an Interior Designer

It’s no surprise that having a social media presence is beneficial to your business. It allows you to bring more awareness to your brand and to create that know, like, and trust factor with your potential clients and customers.

But what should you post as an interior designer?

We’re sharing 20 post ideas for interior design businesses to use on social media.

Ready? Let’s go!



show off your value

Your skills and services as an interior designer are valuable! Your specialized knowledge, in-depth experience, and ability to create someone’s dream home are needed. Sometimes, you just have to show your potential clients that. Here are 5 post ideas for showing off your value as an interior designer:

  1. Costly mistakes that they can avoid with your help

  2. Specialized knowledge that you bring to each project

  3. Your team of experts who will be working on the design

  4. The tools and software you’ll be using on their home

  5. Industry secrets that only someone in-the-know can provide




A great way to get on your ideal client’s radar is to show off what you can do. Sharing your portfolio work will give people a chance to get familiar with what your designs look like — and will allow them to start dreaming for their own space. Here are 5 post ideas for showing off your experience on social media:

  1. Show photos and videos of completed designs and the details that make up the space

  2. Share a project’s before and after

  3. Bring your audience along on a design project by showing off the sites, the decisions you make throughout the design process, and how it all comes together

  4. Share testimonials and kind words from previous clients

  5. Talk about your education, certifications, or press you have received — any kind of social proof goes a long way



bring people behind the scenes

By showing behind the scenes peeks of your business, people will get to know you on a more personal level, which will lead to more trust in your brand. Give people looks into your studio, introduce them to your team, and don’t be afraid to show off your unique and authentic personality — that’s how you will find your dream clients. Here are 5 post ideas for taking people behind the scenes:

  1. Share fun facts about you and your team

  2. Show off your work setup and where you do your designing from

  3. Tell people about yourself — hobbies, design pet peeves, etc.

  4. Share about how you designed and/or decorated your own home

  5. Take people behind the scenes of new projects in your business



inspire action

Finally, you’ll want to inspire your audience to take the next steps with you, whether it’s reading a blog post or booking your design services. Here are 5 posts you can share to ask your audience to take action:

  1. Simply ask your audience to comment on a post with their opinion — getting people in the habit of engaging with you will eventually lead to them taking bigger actions

  2. Share about what the process of working with you is like

  3. Talk about your services and how they can be booked

  4. Share any offers you have outside of your services

  5. Invite people onto newsletters for that next level of connection


want help creating these posts? We’ve got just the thing.

20 post canva templates & the accompanying caption templates

Instagram Post Templates 1
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